Former Postdoctoral Researchers
DR. TORI HERRIDGE - Elephant tooth evolution and development
Currently a senior lecturer at the University of Sheffield
DR. HEATHER WHITE - Suture development and evolution in mammals
Currently a biodiversity data scientist for the Office of National Statistics
DR. ANDREW KNAPP - Pelagic fish skull evolution
Currently a postdoctoral researcher at University College London
DR. ASHWINI MOHAN - Genomic and phenomic evolution in squamates
Currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Neuchatel
DR. AGNESE LANZETTI - Cetacean skull development
Currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Birmingham
DR. GIZEH RANGEL - Pelagic fish skull evolution
Currently a lecturer at the University of Leicester
DR. ANNE-CLAIRE FABRE - Salamander and marsupial cranial evolution
Currently a curator and lecturer at aturhistorisches Museum der Burgergemeinde Bern
DR. JULIEN CLAVEL - Phylogenetic comparative methods and evolutionary modelling
Currently a CNRS researcher at Université Lyon
DR. RYAN N. FELICE - Morphological evolution and development in archosaurs
Currently an associate professor at University College London
DR. MARCELA RANDAU - Insect modularity and integration
Currently Head of Sustainable Business Programmes at Cruelty Free International
DR. CARLA BARDUA - Amphibian cranial evolution
Currently a PGCE fellow at Oxford University
DR. AIDA GOMEZ-ROBLES - Modularity and evolution of brains and teeth in hominids
Currently an associate professor at University College London
DR. AKINOBU WATANABE - Evolutionary modularity and morphological evolution of squamates
Currently an assistant professor at New York Institute of Technology
DR. THOMAS J. D. HALLIDAY - Paleocene mammal phylogenetics and evolution
Currently a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of Birmingham
DR. ANDREW R. CUFF - Felid postcranial mechanics
Currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Liverpool
DR. VERA WEISBECKER - Mammalian brain evolution and development
Currently a senior lecturer at Flinders University
DR. DANIELA SANFELICE - Pinniped skull integration and evolution
Currently a staff scientist at Fundacao Zoobotanica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
DR. JEROEN SMAERS - Morphological rates in primate skull evolution
Co-supervised with Dr. Christophe Soligo in UCL-Anthropology
Currently an assistant professor at SUNY Stony Brook
DR. ROGER B. J. BENSON - Latitudinal diversity gradients in Cretaceous vertebrates
Co-supervised with Prof. Paul Upchurch in UCL-Earth Sciences
Currently a lecturer at University of Oxford, UK
DR. MARK BELL - Latitudinal diversity gradients in Cretaceous vertebrates
Co-supervised with Prof. Paul Upchurch in UCL-Earth Sciences
Former Ph.D. Students
DR. HEATHER WHITE - Suture development in mammals
Currently a biodiversity data scientist for the Office of National Statistics
DR. ELLEN COOMBS - Cranial evolution in cetaceans
Currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
DR. JOAO VASCO DE LEITE - Dinosaur hand evolution
Currently a senior editor at Scientific Reports
DR. CARLA BARDUA - Amphibian cranial evolution and modularity
Currently a PGCE fellow at Oxford University
DR. MARCELA RANDAU - Felid vertebral integration and evolution
Currently a research coordinator for Brooke Animal Welfare Charity
DR. THOMAS HALLIDAY - Placental mammal phylogenetics and macroevolution
Currently a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of Birmingham
DR. ANNE-CLAIRE FABRE - Carnivoran postcranial morphological evolution
Co-supervised with Dr. Stéphane Peigné in Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Currently a postdoctoral fellow at Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
DR. C. VERITY BENNETT - Marsupial taxonomic and morphological diversity
Currently a research associate at Cardiff University School of Medicine
DR. SAM BENNETT - Ichthyosaur ontogeny and dimorphism
Co-supervised with Dr.Margaret Collinson in Royal Holloway College-Earth Sciences
and Dr. Paul Barrett in NHM-Earth Sciences
DR. GEMMA PRICE - Cranial shape evolution in strepsirrhine primates
Co-supervised with Dr. Christophe Soligo in UCL-Anthropology
Former Research Assistants
OLIVER KIPPAX-CHUI - Phenomics and image analysis
Currently a PhD student at Imperial College London
EVE NOIRAULT - Vertebrate skull digitisation and image analysis
Currently a junior developer at OpenCorporates
Former Master's and undergraduate thesis students
ANASTASIA DE SANCTIS - automated phenotypic approaches to carnivoran jaw evolution
DARCY ADHAMI - anseriform taxonomic diversity and sampling biases
MIRANTA KOUVARI - South American mammal diversity through time
MELISSA DUFLOT - false killer whale vertebral variation
CHLOE GERSTENHABER - wildebeest sexual dimorphism
KAT GREGORY - bovid skull evolution
MATT MITCHELL - Parrot skull evolution
MIRANDA STEVENS - Dinosaur claw evolution
CARYS DOWLING - Developmental constraints in mammalian jaw evolution
MATT MITCHELL - Modularity in parrot skull
SARAH COCKERILL - Modularity in the mangoose cranium
LUCY ROBERTS - Shape evolution in burrowing snakes
ANDY BRINKWORTH - Size evolution in rodents
CECILIA DERRICK - Modularity in the grasshopper exoskeleton
SHIN KANG - Brain size scaling in whales
ASHLEIGH MARSHALL - Intraspecific modularity in caecilian skulls
BEN TOWNE - Beak and skull evolution in razorbills
VITTORIA ORI - Intraspecific modularity in turtle skulls
MARGOT BON - Jaw evolution and modularity in frogs and salamanders
NOAH SHEPHERD - Intraspecific modularity in reptiles
MARINA SENTIS - Skull-brain integration in marsupials
HANNAH TILLEY - Evolutionary rates and developmental constraints in the mammal skull
ROWAN TINKER - Mammal carpal shape evolution
ALEX MARSHALL - Squamate cranial integration
TOM DAVIES - Placental mammal fossil record completeness
SAMANTHA WAUGH - Squamate and amphibian limb integration
DR. SARA RAJ PANT - Sloth body size evolution
DR. ELIS NEWHAM - Diversity patterns in Cretaceous mammals
DR. EMILY BELL - Limb covariance structure in flying amniotes
LAUREN FOLEY - Carnivoran cranial suture development
KARINE SAWAN - Body size, diversity, and survivorship in Perissodactyla
DUNCAN MCCAUSLAND - Life history and ecological correlates of brain size in marsupials
ELIZABETH DAYSH - Regional brain scaling in marsupials
EDWARD MORGAN - Phylogenetic relationships of arctocyonid condylarths
PHIL MACKENZIE - Dental cascades in Mesozoic mammals
DR. ANNE-CLAIRE FABRE - Ankle evolution in early mammals
DR. C. VERITY BENNETT - Limb integration in mammals
DR. RACHEL FRIGOT - Cope's rule in pterosaurs
JESS MARTIN - Carnivoran facial allometry
DR. KATRINA JONES - Pinniped skull evolution